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My Only 12%
details | My Only 12%
TOP 9Soaring DramasiQIYI Only
: New Siwaj SawatmaneekulCast
: Earth Katsamonnat Namwirote,Earth, Santa Pongsapak Oudompoch, Peak Peemapol Panichtamrong, Pineare Pannin Charnmanoon, Jida Jidapa Siribunchawan, Fairy Kirana Pipityakorn, Teepor Krit Srisukwattananan, Oat Tharathon Phumphothingam, Film Pitchaya Sukphat, Benz Panupun Vongjorn, Fort Wayupak TangruenDescription
: Cake and See-ew are close despite their different personalities. Cake goes abroad and when he comes back, he finds out that See-ew has changed. Many people like and approach See-ew and that makes Cake feels jealous. Cake begins to question his feeling for See-ew. Apart from the relationship issue, See-ew also faces with family problem. See-ew’s mom is getting sick and he later finds out that she has cancer as she exposed to secondhand smoke from her husband. See-ew hold grudges against his dad for that reason. However, Cake is always there beside him and go through all the obstacle together. See-ew realizes that Cake is more that a half of his life but he is actually his whole life. Watch My Only 12% Rerun and Online only on iQiyiMore
Episodes 1-14