
The early childhood education classroom más información

Detalles del programa

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The early childhood education classroom is dedicated to the balanced development of physical, intellectual, and psychological for 0-6 years old infants and young children. There are three main links: sports, music and creative handicrafts. They can strengthen the child''s physical fitness, sense of music and stimulate the child''s imagination and creativity. The program can help the baby develop in an all-round way and have the ability to realize dreams.
  • 1-50
  • 51-84
  • 1-50
  • 51-84
  • 51-84
  • 1-50
  • 51-84
狐狸和小熊的周游世界冒险旅程不会走路的小恐龙找妈妈西瓜籽会在小鳄鱼肚子里发芽吗不一样的小豆豆穿新衣不爱洗澡的小牛和好玩的洗澡游戏歌不运动的小牛 创意音乐游戏小狐狸认识形状 呼啦圈和涂鸦小房子小兔子不怕黑 黑夜里的小星星不爱洗手的小兔子和手工小水池给小青蛙的新房子小狐狸和好吃的水果串烧不懂交通规则的小牛宝宝爱生气的小猴子表情大作战小猴子划龙舟 手工创意亲子游戏小动物们的运球接力比赛宝贝最爱做游戏 可爱小鸡捉虫吃宝贝最爱玩游戏 交通规则红绿灯宝贝最爱玩游戏 爬行动物运动会宝宝最爱玩游戏 神奇多变的钻洞游戏宝宝最爱做游戏 摸星星和小青蛙捉害虫宝宝最爱做游戏 越过沼泽爬雪山宝宝最爱做游戏 有趣的投掷番茄游戏宝宝最爱做游戏 好玩的瓶子保龄球游戏宝宝最爱做游戏 水果蔬菜跳跳跳有趣的小坐垫小游戏快乐的小海豚游戏小鸡宝宝捉虫子小电扇转转转小海豚传球躲避彩色陷阱游戏趣味叠报纸游戏蹦蹦跳跳跨越障碍物圈住小玩偶摇摇摆摆闯关夺宝

The early childhood education classroom más información

Detalles del programa

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The early childhood education classroom is dedicated to the balanced development of physical, intellectual, and psychological for 0-6 years old infants and young children. There are three main links: sports, music and creative handicrafts. They can strengthen the child''s physical fitness, sense of music and stimulate the child''s imagination and creativity. The program can help the baby develop in an all-round way and have the ability to realize dreams.