
I CAN I BB (Season 6) more info2020-01-18 I CAN I BB (Season 6) 2020-01-18

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(0 ratings)
Updated to 2020-01-18
Updated to 2020-01-18


This is the first variety show in China focused exclusively on a debate with the main goal of finding the best debater in China. Each week, a different debate topic is brought up and contestants are split into two teams arguing "for" or "against" the debate topic. The debate topics are highly controversial current issues, and each contestant will need to bring their own unique arguments and perspectives to the topics. A team is considered to win if they are able to persuade more audience members to switch over to their side (this means that they don't have to have the majority of audience support to win).

Also Known As

奇葩说第六季, 奇葩说6, 奇葩说六, 奇葩说
Episodes 1-27
  • 1-27
Episodes 1-27
  • 1-27
2019-10-31傅首尔VS岳岳秒变娇羞脸 黄执中爆冷被新人打败?(上)傅首尔VS岳岳秒变娇羞脸 黄执中爆冷被新人打败?(下)哈佛女学霸许吉如詹青云对杠 杨超越被自己丑哭惹众怒导师大秀李诞花式辩论 黄执中“远方的哭声”说懵杨超越新裤子主唱彭磊加李诞微信 许吉如爆冷陷淘汰危机?(上)新裤子主唱彭磊加李诞微信 许吉如陷淘汰危机?(下)彭磊公布择婿标准 大王再现《回家的诱惑》经典桥段肖骁詹青云王炸组合下场辩论 薛兆丰战队失利再失大将“恐婚不是病”讨论触动陶虹 李诞求助傅首尔“被打脸”大张伟太能说让李诞自动闭麦 詹青云走心谈灵魂伴侣傅首尔状态回归太好笑了 梁秋阳带队为薛兆丰“脱衣”而战陈铭回归支援薛兆丰战队 秦海璐回应情商争议第12期 蔡康永谈看脸吃饭 秦海璐成朴灿烈粉丝竟不是因为颜值傅首尔谈婚姻哽咽落泪 郭京飞称自己是“17线演员”詹青云走心谈爱人说晕郭京飞 黄执中现场表白女友詹青云留学弃爱说哭热依扎 魔王金靖表演式辩论笑疯全场卡姆庞博开杠吵架笑跪李诞 热依扎自曝姥姥患病林更新不介意女友穿热裤 思文现场观摩程璐变结巴林更新东北话教学听懵蔡康永 肖骁储殷强势开杠张歆艺奇袭詹青云 李诞遭傅首尔无情催稿张歆艺遭李诞吐槽“妄想症” 颜如晶另辟蹊径开讲生意经吴昕回应大龄未婚原因 傅首尔肖骁高能开杠超炸超精彩杨奇函回归向罗振宇道歉 战队淘汰颜如晶挥泪谈去留黄渤自曝少年叛逆与父母争执 傅首尔杨奇函说唱battle詹青云傅首尔争夺BBKing 黄渤接受孩子是平凡人(上)詹青云傅首尔争夺BBKing 黄渤接受孩子是平凡人(下)

I CAN I BB (Season 6) more info2020-01-18 I CAN I BB (Season 6) 2020-01-18

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(0 ratings)
Updated to 2020-01-18
Updated to 2020-01-18


This is the first variety show in China focused exclusively on a debate with the main goal of finding the best debater in China. Each week, a different debate topic is brought up and contestants are split into two teams arguing "for" or "against" the debate topic. The debate topics are highly controversial current issues, and each contestant will need to bring their own unique arguments and perspectives to the topics. A team is considered to win if they are able to persuade more audience members to switch over to their side (this means that they don't have to have the majority of audience support to win).

Also Known As

奇葩说第六季, 奇葩说6, 奇葩说六, 奇葩说