
Duel To The Deathmás información

Detalles de la película | Duel To The Death

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1 horas 27 minutos
1 horas 27 minutos


Every ten years, there was a sword fighting among the Chinese and Japanese. This time, the one from Japan was Miyamoto, and the one from China was Bu Qingyun. When Bu Qingyun was waiting at the Xiahou’s Villa, he found the young master Xiahou Shengnan was his old friend. She liked him secretly but her father disagreed with it. To develop the Villa, Xiahou Yuan even colluded with the Japanese. As the competitor, undoubtedly Xiahou Yuan deliberately put obstacles in Bu Qingyun’s way and locked him. Xiahou Shengnan tried to save Bu Qingyun, but was killed by her father by mistake. After knowing the truth, Xiahou Yuan was very sad and killed himself.

Duel To The Deathmás información

Detalles de la película | Duel To The Death

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(0 valoraciones)
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1 horas 27 minutos
1 horas 27 minutos


Every ten years, there was a sword fighting among the Chinese and Japanese. This time, the one from Japan was Miyamoto, and the one from China was Bu Qingyun. When Bu Qingyun was waiting at the Xiahou’s Villa, he found the young master Xiahou Shengnan was his old friend. She liked him secretly but her father disagreed with it. To develop the Villa, Xiahou Yuan even colluded with the Japanese. As the competitor, undoubtedly Xiahou Yuan deliberately put obstacles in Bu Qingyun’s way and locked him. Xiahou Shengnan tried to save Bu Qingyun, but was killed by her father by mistake. After knowing the truth, Xiahou Yuan was very sad and killed himself.
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