
ComeuppanceXem thêm

Thông tin chương trình | Comeuppance

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1 giờ 46 phút
1 giờ 46 phút

Miêu tả

Song Ping is a kind person. After experiencing the feeling of murder by mistake, he poisons the evil man Wang Jinxiong to death for the sake of the people. The incident attracts the attention of the gang and the police. Song Ping’s mission is to continue to plan another action and his actions are chosen by reporter Jian as the subject of the novel. Song Ping is his reader and the two of them gradually turn the novel into a place for studying murder. At last, the police will look for the clues to the murder in Jian’s novel.
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ComeuppanceXem thêm

Thông tin chương trình | Comeuppance

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(0 người đã đánh giá)
Hãy là người dùng đầu tiên xếp hạng
1 giờ 46 phút
1 giờ 46 phút

Miêu tả

Song Ping is a kind person. After experiencing the feeling of murder by mistake, he poisons the evil man Wang Jinxiong to death for the sake of the people. The incident attracts the attention of the gang and the police. Song Ping’s mission is to continue to plan another action and his actions are chosen by reporter Jian as the subject of the novel. Song Ping is his reader and the two of them gradually turn the novel into a place for studying murder. At last, the police will look for the clues to the murder in Jian’s novel.
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