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Chained Soldier (Thai ver.)
details | Chained Soldier (Thai ver.)
: Mysterious gates suddenly appear all over Japan. In another dimension beyond the gate called Mato, there are Peaches that only women can eat giving them unique abilities. They are fighting as a female-organized fighting group, the "Demon Defense Force", in order to exterminate the monster known as "Shuuki". One day, Yuuki Wakura, a high school boy who is looking for a place to play a role, happens to wander into Mato and is attacked by Shuukis. Kyouka Uzen, the beautiful commander of the Demon Defense Force 7th Squad, rushes to his aid. Yuuki is transformed into a slave by Kyouka's ability, and then he successfully defeats Shuukis. He ends up fighting Shuukis as a slave and the caretaker of the Demon Defense Force. A battle fantasy of "the boy who becomes a pet" starts here!More
Episodes 1-12
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