
The Conman 2002 (Cantonese)más información

Detalles de la película | The Conman 2002 (Cantonese)

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Sé el primer usuario en calificar
1 horas 36 minutos
1 horas 36 minutos


Half of his life as a luckless guy, Ka Shing is offered a job by Spring, a big gang brother in gambling, who turns his bad luck into a philosopher’s stone. Kau, Spring’s enemy, suffers a huge loss in his casino, thus gets rid of both of them. He then takes over Spring’s business and holds a gambling competition where Ka Shing turns in with extreme good luck dramatically. Knowing this links closely related to his ancestors’ grave, Kau orders to twist Ka Shing’s luck back to the worst by destroying the Feng Shui…

The Conman 2002 (Cantonese)más información

Detalles de la película | The Conman 2002 (Cantonese)

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(0 valoraciones)
Sé el primer usuario en calificar
1 horas 36 minutos
1 horas 36 minutos


Half of his life as a luckless guy, Ka Shing is offered a job by Spring, a big gang brother in gambling, who turns his bad luck into a philosopher’s stone. Kau, Spring’s enemy, suffers a huge loss in his casino, thus gets rid of both of them. He then takes over Spring’s business and holds a gambling competition where Ka Shing turns in with extreme good luck dramatically. Knowing this links closely related to his ancestors’ grave, Kau orders to twist Ka Shing’s luck back to the worst by destroying the Feng Shui…
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