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The Fun,The Luck The Tycoon
detalles | The Fun,The Luck The Tycoon
: Johnny ToDescripción
: Lin Baosheng is a rich man in Hong Kong and has been engaged to his cousin Yuxian. But Baosheng doesn’t like the vulgarity of his fiancée, so he decided to escape and prove that he can live independently. On the first day of his departure, Baosheng goes to a charity party by chance, and meets the sponsor of the party, owner of Dongdong Restaurant, and his sister. Then Baosheng becomes an employee of the restaurant, spends an unforgettable time with the kind-hearted colleagues, finds his own value and falls in love with the boss’s sister. But the date of his wedding with his cousin is approaching and his real identity is about to be revealed. What will happen to his relationship with the boss’s sister next?Más
Episodios 1-1
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