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: Taradech SapanyooDescription
: “Tong”, “Ruay” and “Aod-Aad”are a gang of male teenagers desperately searching for their soulmates. Tong is looking for a perfect, decent girl. Therefore, Tong had never notice the existence of “Dok-Ya” who is from the same village and also has a crush on Tong. “Yut”, a hipster from Bangkok who came into the village and since the first time he laid his eyes on Dok-Ya, he fell for her. This somehow stir an unpleasant feeling inside Tong. Ruay has his heart for “Mali”. He wishes for them to be together for the rest of their lives but their financial differences is what keeps them away from each other. For Aod-Aad, being the most confident of all is aiming to collect numbers of girl into his love stockpile. How will the three country boys get them girls? Catch them in “Aon Son Day”.More
Episodes 1-1
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