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My Girlfriend Is An Agent
details | My Girlfriend Is An Agent
: Shen Tai LuoDescription
: No one knows that Ahn Soo-ji (Kim Ha-neul), pretty and lovely, has actually been an agent for 6 years. Because everything about her job has to be a secret, she can’t even reveal her identity to her boyfriend Lee Jae-joon (Kang Ji-hwan). Therefore, they often misunderstand each other. Even when Jae-joon is leaving to study in Russia, Soo-ji is still busy catching criminals, leading to the end of their relationship. Three years later, Jae-joon comes back from Russia, disguised as an international accountant. His real identity is also an agent and he is order to investigate a Russian gangster. As a rookie, he always goofs up on his job. By coincidence, he runs into Soo-ji in the disguise of a cleaning lady. They don’t know each other's identities or that they are performing the same mission.More
Episodes 1-1
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