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Monkey King fights Lion Camel (Thai ver.)
Informasi | Monkey King fights Lion Camel (Thai ver.)
TOP 1Peringkat Film Baru
PG-1320251 Jam 14 Menit
: Upon arrival at the Lion-Camel Ridge, Monk Tang Sanzang and his disciples run into villagers of the Lion-Camel tribe who have been captured by demons. After Wukong is discovered by a demon while rescuing the people, the Three Great Kings defeat Wukong with the three great magical tools and spread the rumor that Monk Tang Sanzang has been eaten alive. The desperate Wukong seeks the help of Buddha and becomes enlightened of the logic of “United we stand, divided we fall.” The three buddies ultimately succeed in rescuing their master and the people, and the four continue their journey westward.Tampilkan lebih banyak
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