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King Of Beggars
details | King Of Beggars
: Gordon ChanDescription
: Su Can (Stephen Chow), the spoilt son of Prefect of Guangzhou, attends the imperial exams and wins the "Kung-Fu Scholar" tournament, only to find that he is framed up and becomes a bagger. As the leader was killed by the four elders of the Beggar Gang, Taiyi Zhenren of Tianli Sect in the court persecutes the Beggar Gang. More seriously, the death of the Beggar Gang Master leads to the loss of Dog Beating Stick Technique and the disruption of the bang. With the secret help of Rushuang (Sharla Cheung), Su Can is selected by the elder as the successor of the Beggar Gang and is taught with the Law of Dog Beating Stick Technique. Mastering the technique, Su becomes the new gang masters and begins to unite gang members to strengthen themselves and fight against Tianli Sect. Taiyi Zhenren (Norman Chui) wants to usurp the throne and plans to assassinate the emperor during hunting.More
Episodes 1-1
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