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Gintama (TH ver.)
details | Gintama (TH ver.)
: At the end of the Edo period, aliens called "Amanto" attacked. The war between the earthlings and the Amanto people broke out in an instant, and a large number of warriors and fighters of the Sonno-joi sect participated in the battle with the Amanto people. After the shogunate saw the powerful strength of the gods, they signed an unequal treaty with the gods and allowed them to enter the country. Later, the "Knives Abandonment Order" was issued, and the samurai's swords were taken away. Since then, the shogunate has become a "puppet regime". In such times, there was a samurai who happily lived a whimsical life with his companions.More
Episodes 1-24
- 1-24
- 25-48
- 49-52
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