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Bangkok Zero
details | Bangkok Zero
iQIYI Only
: Kanchanapan MeesuwanDescription
: In the morning of 5th September, there have been random explosions across Bangkok, leaving people around the capital city with panic and fear and starting to question if the mysterious hashtag #5SepCityBomb, which was mushrooming through social media earlier, has anything related to the explosions. The official statement has been announced that the people behind the explosions are a group of university students. This causes an unfortunate fallout to a group of social-media marketers; Mon, Dack, Gee, as they were the team behind the blooming hashtag #5OctCityBomb which they created to promote their homemade crispy fish skin product. Therefore, the three friends decide to cease the marketing and hunt down the real bombers. But things just get even worse. In the midst of the persistence of truth, survival, and the unstoppable lies on the internet. Watch Bangkok Zero free on iQiyi.More
Episodes 1-5
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