
Angels Fall Sometimes

details | Angels Fall Sometimes



“Angels Fall Sometimes” is a heartwarming realistic drama directed by Zhu Dongning (“Put Your Head on My Shoulder”), and starring Li Landi (“The Starry Love”; “My Huckleberry Friends”) and Lin Yi (“Put Your Head on My Shoulder”). In the prime of youth, Lin Tuo (played by Lin Yi) and An Zhique (played by Li Landi) meet at a job fair during the summer internship of their junior year. They fall in love at first sight, and establish a romantic relationship after gaining a deeper understanding of each other. As graduation season approaches, they transition from the ivory tower to society together, working part-time, applying for jobs, and planning for a better future. Although living isn’t smooth initially, with mutual encouragement, they gradually get on the right track. Just when everything seems to be going well, Lin Tuo is diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The illness puts an end to his seemingly ordinary but hopeful life. His lifespan is shortened and he is in despair. However, under the warm and loving companionship of his family, lover, and friends, Lin Tuo learns to coexist with his terminal illness and bravely confronts his illness head-on. The people and patients around Lin Tuo are also inspired by him such that they re-examine their attitudes towards life, learn to cherish the present, and decide to strive to live each day with no regrets and full of hope. This drama will be streaming on iQIYI International (iQ.com).
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Episodes 1-24
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