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A Dirty Carnival
details | A Dirty Carnival
: Jo Byeong Du was a sub-leader in a second-class gang. He had to support his younger brother and sister and sick mother. He had a bad time in his career. Someone took the arcade which should have been his. Jo’s schoolmate Kim Min Ho, an aggrieved director, wanted to make a movie of gangsters and came to Jo to know what gangsters looked like. Kim helped Jo meet his first love Gang Hyeon Ju again, who hated Jo’s identity. Jo seized the opportunity and took his boss’s place. He did well in relocating resident out of a real estate project. The project brought great profits to the gang and Jo. He never gave up his love to Hyeon Ju and Hyeon Ju accepted him. Jo promised to quit the gang and back to regular life.More
Episodes 1-1
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