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Queen of Kowloon ( Cantonese )
detalles | Queen of Kowloon ( Cantonese )
PG-1320001 horas 35 minutos
: Huo Yao LiangDescripción
: Ah Sei is the second wife of poverty-stricken apothecary, and deals quietly with the hand that fate has dealt her. She is a virtual "house slave" to the first wife, and looks closely after the first wive's daughter, Irene, although Irene treats her with complete contempt. When the couple is killed in a car crash, Ah Sei is thrust into the position of caring for Irene first-hand, as she begins to prepare for her wedding, and must persevere through one turmoil after anotherOtros nombres:
Episodios 1-1
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