Trisya Ooi
"Trisha started her career behind the scenes as a female stunt performer while learning martial arts and never initially thought of acting. Her acting career began with the movie Wira (2019), directed by Adrian Teh, and continued with the dramas KL Gangster: Underworld and Hari Kita Jatuh Cinta. She gained widespread recognition through her role in the drama Risik Pada Hati on TV3, where she portrayed Erra, a woman who steals someone else’s husband. In 2023, Trisha acted in two films: Coast Guard Malaysia: Ops Helang and Pagari Bulan. She also starred alongside Aliff Aziz in the drama Tentang Hati Dia, where she played Tiara. In 2024, she will star in the movie Janna Endoro and the dramas Menanti Senja and My Lovely Driver."