Pengyuan Shi
Born on August 16th, 2005, Pengyuan Shi is a young film actor from Beizhen, Liaoning, a town known for calligraphy and painting. In September 2013, he was selected by the famous director Zou Quan to star in the film "But Always" starring Nicholas Tse and Gao Yuanyuan, playing the role of the teenage Zhao Yongyuan and was dubbed "Little Nicholas" by the acting community. Pengyuan Shi is a cheerful, lively, and active person with a handsome appearance and a wide range of hobbies. His grandfather was an industrialist who enrolled in Changchun Film Studio with the famous actor Lv Xiaohe in his early years. His grandmother was a drama actress. His mother was an asset appraiser, and his father was engaged in cultural exchange and promotion. His two aunts were dancers and announcers. He was brought up by his family to love performing arts, learning dance, martial arts, calligraphy, and painting since he was young, and has a certain talent for acting.